24 April 2018

The fun in going small

 Last night we flew back from Bloemfontein. The plane was mostly empty so they sent a small one. Beechcraft 1900 to be precise.

But I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed the flight. There is just something different about smaller aircraft.

And then, of course, there is the view. The 1900 does not have a door between the pilots and the passengers so you are blessed with a ‘pilots eye view’ of proceedings. Truly remarkable experience.

23 April 2018

Early morning to Bloemfontein

 Currently working on a project in Bloemfontein. By default, this means traveling to Bloemfontein on a regular basis. With onset of autumn the sunrises later and being that the flight this morning was slightly earlier than usual, i was treated to a nice sunrise flight.

This picture was taken passing the Vaal Dam. World of wonder!

03 April 2018

Sand Art

 Went to Fish Hoek beach yesterday. This little sculpture was on the beach. Some people are so talented!!

01 April 2018

OMTOM 2018

So I did it. Applied for a position last year and got chosen for the run!

Started training in all earnest in October of 2017. All was well.

Then 2018 hit and with it the injuries. Foot. Then other foot. Then three weeks before the race ITB. Eventually ended up running the half marathon with a dodgy ITB that gave out at the 6km mark and had me limping home. But I did it.

A personal victory if ever there was one. I could have stopped anywhere during that race, but I did not. Too stubborn, or too stupid? Don’t know.

All I know is that I did it.

My time? 2:39:38.

What’s next? Would love to do the Ultra…

So here are some pics taken on the day.

18 March 2018


I have a rat problem. In fact, I think most of our neighborhood is having that same problem. We are close to the city centre, and there is currently a huge rat infestation there. I assume we are getting some spillover.

Problem is… I have a very inquisitive dog that just absolutely has to taste everything. That includes poisoned rats as well. And then her hair falls out. And it is never nice. And I’m not doing the poisoning thing again.

So, what to do about the rats then?

Enter Google and some time on the interwebs. Found a nice little diy rattrap on YouTube. Have a look at it here.

So today was “build your own rat trap” day, amongst other things.

Baited it with Peanut Butter.

Let’s see.

Good week for stargazers

 A couple of things happened this week.  Firstly, I dropped the bike. Some idiot in a van coming barrelling around a corner on the wrong sid...