01 May 2017

Rosemary Hill Trail Run

rosemary hill trail run medal

And back we go to training. On Sunday I took part in the Rosemary Hill trail run. It is getting a little cold now in the mornings. You would think that winter is on the way...
keeping warm by the fire

Luckily there was a fire to ward off the worst of the cold.

I have to say, this one went well. I think my fitness level is better now, and the Easter break also did wonders. Managed a respectable 1:05:09, which is not too shabby if you take into consideration that this was a proper trail run and the going was interesting at times.

me running


25 April 2017

C172 Endorsement in the bag

 Happy days!!!!

At the end of last year I saw a clip of some spinning training done in a Cessna. My comment at that stage was that I probably need to do a conversion to the Cessna… cause the Piper does not spin!

Well, all thing said, being at altitude, the Cherokee range is not the best choice if you want to carry more than two people. Therefore, in January, I decided to take the step and do the conversion to the Cessna 172.

And so it happened that, on a sunny, South African day, I started with my conversion to the C172. Everything being equal, I probably like the Piper more, but that said, the additional power and the fact that site seeing is much easier when you do not have to peer over the wing, makes for a fun ride. 

She is much more difficult to fly than the piper and the prop wash hitting the tail has you constantly standing on the right rudder, but once you have mastered that, it is a nice little plane to fly.

So…. (drumroll)…

After a couple of months (almost five, I will have you know) I got the endorsement for the C172 today. 

I’ll stop smiling next weekend… maybe.

So what next?

Financial recovery, for one. And some hour building. As with everything, practice makes perfect. I intend to get alot of practice.

Then possibly a night rating. Would dearly love to have a night rating. But until then, I want to take Enzo flying. And maybe even Nariko. She enjoyed the trip on the Boeing down to PE immensely. Who knows, maybe she has a little pilot in her somewhere…

22 April 2017

Easter Break - Port Elizabeth

the grass roof

 Typically, when we decide to go on a quick, short, holiday break, the heavens will open and it will start raining. No difference this weekend.

We flew down to Port Elizabeth for the Easter break. Just to get away, and for the wife and mother in law to visit family. 

Arriving in PE, it was raining, so we got into the car and drove around, looking for something out of the ordinary. We came across the Grass Roof restaurant which has, wait for it, a grass roof. Nice food, good service. Would recommend.

In-between the bouts of rain, the sun did sometimes show it's face. The plus side of terrible weather is that the beaches are all but deserted.

We did the obligatory visit to the PE Aquarium where Enzo got to handle a Python. The face says it all...

Enzo and the Python

 Nariko was absolutely fascinated by the Penguins, and I am sure that, if she could, she would bring one with her back home. I wonder if it would enjoy the pool?

Nariko and the Penguins

With the mother-in-law visiting her brother, we headed out to Jeffreys Bay, because you always have to go for lunch at the Kitchen Windows. This is our favorite restaurant in the area. Absolutely love it.

I can definitely recommend this one. http://www.kitchenwindows.co.za/

Enzo on the Beach at Kitchen Windows
The view from our table at Kitchen Windows

Enzo spotted a super tube in Jeffreys, and there was no stopping him. Cold on no.

Enzo on the Super Tube

The rain let up for the last day or so, and although not too toasty, it did turn into more holiday weather. So off we went. Ice cream on the beach and some fun in the waves.

eating ice cream on the beach

playing in the waves
While we were on the beach an photographer came past and asked if he could take a photo of Enzo and Nariko for the local paper. We said yes, no problem. Not thinking much of it. When we got back Narina's uncle sent this picture across. You know you enjoyed your holiday when it makes the papers.

09 April 2017

The Boys are Back in Town!! - Inland Championchips at Zwartkops Raceway


intex class lining up on the starting grid

This weekend was the inland championships at Zwartkops. Enzo and myself had to go. Engines, after all. The weather was all brilliant and beautiful and it was good to just take some time off after training, working and the general grind.

Enzo also used the time to hone his photography skills 😁

Enzo the photographer

There is also a track at Zwartkops where you can part with your money, and partake in some quad bike adventures, going round and round a track. If it was not for that track, I am not entirely sure that I would ever get Enzo there... 

But herewith some of the action. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

03 April 2017

Modern Athlete Irene Ultra


Keeping up with the training and the promise to do the Two Oceans (which I am struggling to get an entry for, by the way). I have yesterday donned my threads and partook in my first Half Marathon. 

All in all, I can honestly say that it went better than expected. There is an uphill climb (I think Olievenhoud Avenue) about 13km into the race. It is, in the greater scheme of things, not a huge or long uphill, but I really struggled with that one. But once I reached the top there, the I was pretty sure I could finish it.

Did not break any records, but I am suitably chuffed with my 2:20:55 time. 

Stargazing Observation Book

 I'm by no means a professional or seasoned stargazer. It is a hobby (another one) I took up recently. My observations are done with bin...