The weather has been, lets just say, less than favourable the last couple of weeks. I've planned and schemed, but to no avail. Every weekend seems to be a wet mess. Did get about between spells of rain, notably to ride up the mountain after storm Eowyn battered Ireland on the 24th of January. Rode up to Cruagh wood on the 1st of Feb for a spot of coffee with a view.
16 February 2025
What's up with the weather
24 February 2016
Decrease in Energy Demand
“There has been no load-shedding for several months now, and ESKOM have informed they do not expect any load-shedding to occur in 2016. This is the good news and for once, we agree with ESKOM that load-shedding probabilities are low next year.
Now for the bad news – the low probability of load-shedding in 2016 and beyond is not solely due to ESKOM getting its act together with its maintenance program and horrific building delays. It’s mostly due to a massive fall-off in DEMAND caused by the shutdown in factories and mines and other energy intensive industries, as well as a slumping SA ECONOMY.
The pullback in demand is horrific.
So despite improved and accelerated maintenance (we fully accept the great job being done by ESKOM new management here), demand continues to trend downward, now down almost 8% since the Jul 2007 peak at the height of the last economic expansion.
This is bad news because this means the economy is contracting and if this continues long enough, we will be plunged into another recession. A recession will likely affect your business or employer and it will definately affect the Rand/$ which in turn will drive up costs of imported goods. Falling earnings will affect JSE shares that are heavily exposed to the SA economy, but fortunately there are many listed shares on the JSE that are immune to the local economy and actually gain in value when the Rand falls.”
26 January 2016
The Rule of Law
Well now. There has been a lot said lately about the rule of law. And how the rule of law should prevail. And how the law is above all, etc. etc.
Then, there is the seemingly lawless minibus taxi industry in South Africa. Do what they want. Drive how they feel like.
Then there is the person (and I think most people fall in that category) who has quite a lot to say about said taxi drivers and their disregard for the rules of the road.
This morning when dropping the kids off at school, I noticed a strange phenomenon. The gate for the Grade R's are supposed to be for the Grade R's only. This has been said over and over again and is also in every newsletter issued by the school. Strange thing is; I see some of the bigger kids walking through there, some even accompanied by the parent(s). Granted that the other gates are all half a block away and around the corner. Shortcut then.
BUT, rules are rules. And if we disregard one rule, then we may as well don our dark glasses and tee shirts and join the ranks of the taxi drivers. Or stop complaining about the taxi drivers.
Just saying...
Stargazing Observation Book
I'm by no means a professional or seasoned stargazer. It is a hobby (another one) I took up recently. My observations are done with bin...

Sometimes not so easy to remember… You are not your job. You can have pride in your job, yes. You can enjoy your job, yes. But when you me...
Last night we flew back from Bloemfontein. The plane was mostly empty so they sent a small one. Beechcraft 1900 to be precise. But I have ...