18 March 2018


I have a rat problem. In fact, I think most of our neighborhood is having that same problem. We are close to the city centre, and there is currently a huge rat infestation there. I assume we are getting some spillover.

Problem is… I have a very inquisitive dog that just absolutely has to taste everything. That includes poisoned rats as well. And then her hair falls out. And it is never nice. And I’m not doing the poisoning thing again.

So, what to do about the rats then?

Enter Google and some time on the interwebs. Found a nice little diy rattrap on YouTube. Have a look at it here.

So today was “build your own rat trap” day, amongst other things.

Baited it with Peanut Butter.

Let’s see.

Good week for stargazers

 A couple of things happened this week.  Firstly, I dropped the bike. Some idiot in a van coming barrelling around a corner on the wrong sid...