29 March 2016

The Two Oceans Marathon

Firstly, congratulations to all the brave guys and gals that completed the Two Oceans this past weekend. My hat off to you.


I think I might join you next year.

That gives me a year to prepare. Now, I may be a fool, but I am an old fool. Therefore I will only do the half marathon next year. Still… for somebody that can only do a semi-non-disastrous 5km at this stage, there is some work to be done.

Onward then, James. And don’t spare the horses.

Watch this space….

17 March 2016

An ode to the download

I can still remember when the internet started making it’s way into our offices and lives. At that time nobody had e-mails. If you wanted to tell somebody something you had to write a letter, on paper… or use the trusty old phone. Or fax them. And notwithstanding this lack of communication everybody survived. Economies grew. And life was a lot more simple.

Then came the internet.

9500 bps. That was the first modem I ever had the pleasure of working with. Dial-up was all the rage. It took you half a day to download a file. But who cared?

Slowly but surely the whole thing took off. Faster and faster. More data. Larger files. Tons of e-mails per day. Working holidays.

Silly, really.

“What are you on about?” I hear you ask.

I am currently dabbling in a spot of programming and app development. Call it a passtime. All of a sudden I am in need of an Apple MAC. Now, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a MacBook for a week or two and frankly, I hated it. Most of the software I use is not available for Apple. Bit of a bummer. So I stick to PC’s and indulge myself on the iPad and iPhone.

So how now brown cow?

Hackintosh…. Yes. That was my expression as well.

Seems that OS X can run on the humble Intel and AMD processor. If you look at the iMac Mini, it is based on an Intel processor.

Well well.

If you are interested, Google “Hackintosh”. Interesting stuff.

I am therefore now busy building myself said equipment. Part of the exercise is to download OS x. Which I am currently doing. All 5,9GB of it. Currently on 4GB. And that in just more than 90 minutes. Impressive. (Telkom Uncapped LTE… because I know that’s your next question.)

That took me back to the old 9500 modem and me and a mate of mine downloading the “WarCraft” installation file, which was just over 5MB if memory serves correctly. The exercise took us the best part of a night and then… just before completion… the line died!!! Oh, the good old days. That file would today have downloaded in about 10 seconds.

And we wonder why we feel so overworked and pressurised.

Download speeds.

15 March 2016

Opening an Isolator On Load

You have got to love electricity. It’s there… but you can’t see it, hear it or smell it. You can feel it… oh yes.

But then, sometimes, something happens that allow us to “see” electricity. This is an oldie but a goody.

And that, my friends, is electricity!

What happens is that, when the isolator opens the electricity attempts to continue flowing. That causes the arc to start. When the arc develops the air is ionised making the flow of electricity through the air easier. That is why the arc keeps on going even after the isolator is fully open!

Stargazing Observation Book

 I'm by no means a professional or seasoned stargazer. It is a hobby (another one) I took up recently. My observations are done with bin...