26 January 2016

The Rule of Law


Well now. There has been a lot said lately about the rule of law. And how the rule of law should prevail. And how the law is above all, etc. etc.

Then, there is the seemingly lawless minibus taxi industry in South Africa. Do what they want. Drive how they feel like. 

Then there is the person (and I think most people fall in that category) who has quite a lot to say about said taxi drivers and their disregard for the rules of the road. 

This morning when dropping the kids off at school, I noticed a strange phenomenon. The gate for the Grade R's are supposed to be for the Grade R's only. This has been said over and over again and is also in every newsletter issued by the school. Strange thing is; I see some of the bigger kids walking through there, some even accompanied by the parent(s). Granted that the other gates are all half a block away and around the corner. Shortcut then. 

BUT, rules are rules. And if we disregard one rule, then we may as well don our dark glasses and tee shirts and join the ranks of the taxi drivers. Or stop complaining about the taxi drivers. 

Just saying...

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